Friday, September 21, 2007

Plan for Synthesis

Computers are becoming more relevant in classrooms and life everyday, in Ohmann's and Shaffer's articles, it is expressed that computers will alter the way students learn and the value of education.
Positives of Computers:
-increase in volunteerism and parent involvement (Ohmann)
-New Jersey school goes from failing to highest scores on state test (Ohmann)
-allow players in inhabit previously inaccessible roles (Shaffer)
-explore new identities (Shaffer)
-Madison 2200- urban ecology (Shaffer 8)
-Corporations profit (Ohmann)
Negatives of Computers:
-profibility uncertain/ educational results more uncertain (Ohmann)
-students tune out professors (Ohmann)
-multitask way through M.B.A. (Ohmann)
-computers there in large numbers but not well intergrated into classrooms (Ohmann 3)
-not all schools, students, parents know what to do with them (Shaffer 10)
-money going to computers (Ohmann)
-plagerism made easier (Ohmann)
-how to shape learning based on games and intergarate game based learning in schools (Shaffer 10).
Uses of Computers:
-email, record keeping, preparation of material, BUT not for planning (Ohmann 3)
-prepare for standardized test (Ohmann 3)
-social practicies [Sims Online] (Shaffer 4)
-become critical consumers of information (Shaffer 4)
-learn by doing (Shaffer 7)
-develop ways of thinking like lawyers, doctores, etc. (Shaffer 7-8)

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