Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fast Food Companies Pulling a Fast One

In David Zinczenko's "Don't Blame the Eater" he argues that sueing fast food companies, may not be as rediculous as it is first percieved. He examines the circumstances surrounding the kids that eaten fast food to such an excess that they are obese and at health risks. It is mentioned that it is much easier to drive down any highway in America and find a fast food company then it is to find an affordable, quick healthy meal, or even a place to buy fruit. By explaining his own personal weakness with fast food, Zinczenko has a rather bias opinion when it comes to this topic. There are many healthier food options available, and claiming that you didn't know the nutritious facts is not a reasonable excuse to eatting fast food. Common sense tells a person that a greasy, quick meal is not as healthy as an apple, or fruit salad. There are many stores that sell all foods in bulk, take the time you would spend in the lunch line at Mc Donalds and go to the store and buy soups, fruit, vegatables, rise, etc. It just takes a little extra searching then looking for the golden arches.
In "Don't Blame the Eater", David Zinczenko declares that fast food corporations should take responsibility for the obesity of their customers. He says that the restaurants don't probaly display the nutrional facts of the menu items and lead many customers astray by breaking their salads into pieces and serving a two and half serving dressing package. Though nutrional facts should be clearly displayed and easily understood for all customers, can you completely blame a fast food company for causing your obesity? What did you expect to happen when you dined on McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell for all three meals of a day, that you would lose weight? Many factors go into making a person obese, not just stuffing their faces with greasy food. The companies are doing what any company would do, trying to make a profit. No matter how unhealthy their food is they aren't forcing you to eat there, maybe the consumer should take responsibility for themselves.

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